Walking to the Promised Land
Wilderness Walking: Trust, Delight, Commit2 Digging Deeper
The Blessed Life Ever: Walk in the Ways of the Lord2 Digging Deeper
Flawless Footsteps: Walk as Christ Walked2 Digging Deeper
The View From Down Here: Walk Humbly2 Digging Deeper
Watch Where You Step: Walk Carefully2 Digging Deeper
Keep on Keeping on: Walk by Faith2 Digging Deeper
Stay out of the Shadows: Walk in the Light2 Digging Deeper
Follow Your Guide: Walk by the Spirit2 Digging Deeper
Walk Tall: Walk Uprightly2 Digging Deeper
Choose Wisely: Walk with Wise Men2 Digging Deeper
Love, That's All: Walk in Love2 Digging Deeper
When No One's Looking: Walk in Integrity2 Digging Deeper
Be Good Do Good: Walk in Good Works3 Digging Deeper
Leave Your Past Behind: Walk in Newness of Life2 Digging Deeper
Remember Who You Are: Walk Worthy2 Digging Deeper
Walk with the Father: Walk with God6 Digging Deeper
Group Progress
Group Progress
Walk with the Doc – Chapter 11
Time is precious when there is less of it to waste. Time dedicated to walking can be used for the dual purpose of sharing time with others. It is the perfect means of creating and sustaining relationships. Forty minutes to an hour of uninterrupted time is hard to come by these days. Sharing the walking experience can be a source of reciprocal encouragement. Participating in 5 and 10k events in the community can be a rewarding experience. Walking in a half marathon with thousands of others of like-mind can be downright exciting when shared with friends and family. Parents and grandparents, walk with your children and grandchildren, and often. You’ll be surprised how receptive they’ll be. Time, precious time, share it when you can, on and off the trail.