Wondering What to Believe?
Does Nature Give Proof of God?8 Digging Deeper
Can I Hear God's Voice?8 Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper
- Does God Care About My Concerns?
- Best practices for a thriving relationship.
- God wants us to know Him
- Ways that God communicates to us today.
- God gives us scriptures through men.
- Life changing love letter from God.
- God provides us a way for a relationship with Him through Jesus.
- Are you too busy for God?
Who is God?8 Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper
- God reveals himself throughout time so that people can worship the one true God.
- Evidences of the Existence of God.
- A God that always keeps his word.
- God’s ways above our ways.
- The Truth of God’s Nature.
- God is a loving, caring, beneficent God.
- A God that is God is long-suffering and forgiving.
- Striving to become more like God.
Who Wrote the Bible?8 Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper
- The Truth in the Bible.
- The Origin of the Bible
- The single author behind the many writers in the Bible.
- God foreshadowing discoveries made in today’s world.
- Why people downplay the evidences in the Bible.
- Foreshadowing of Jesus in the Old Testament
- Using doubt as an excuse to not change.
- What it means to have faith in the Bible.
Can I Trust the Bible?7 Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper
- Is it possible for us to know if the Bible is true?
- The differences and similarities between faith and trust.
- The significance in the magnitude of New Testament manuscripts compared to other ancient manuscripts.
- How large numbers of discovered manuscripts support the authenticity of the Bible.
- Why do you think about the very small (.001) part of critical textual variations found in the New Testament?
- How has the Bible impacted your life?
- Do you trust the Bible?
Is there a Right and Wrong?7 Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper
- The different standards for determining what is right and what is wrong.
- Is it in our nature to know what is right and wrong?
- Is right and wrong discerned by each person for themselves or is it ultimately determined by a higher authority?
- What to do in a situation where two people have different beliefs on what is right and wrong?
- Is there a standard when determining what is right and wrong?
- Is the Bible is our absolute moral standard for topics such as honesty, sexuality, the value of human life?
- Do you believe you can determine with absolute certainly what is right and wrong?
Why Does God Allow Evil?9 Digging Deeper
Who Am I?7 Digging Deeper
What is the Meaning of Life?7 Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper
- What is the meaning of your life? What is your purpose?
- How Jesus brings meaning to our lives.
- How does knowing Jesus will judge both the good and the bad in our lives impact the way we live?
- What do you make of the reading from Ecclesiastes 5:15?
- What do you want to be said about your life when you’re gone?
- How our understanding of the meaning of our life impact the way we live.
- What would you say was the meaning of the life you’ve lived so far?
Does God Love Me?5 Digging Deeper
Group Progress
Group Progress
Free will and its consequences.
Do you think that the manufacturer of an automobile should be blamed for the purposeful, illegal misuse of that automobile? Should a pharmaceutical company be liable for the misuse and abuse of its products? Is it the fault of the maker of kitchen knives when someone uses one of their knives to commit a crime? Neither can God be blamed for the sin in us or in the world. When we do wrong, it’s our fault. We have choices and choices have consequences. We do wrong when we are drawn away by our own desires (Jas. 1:13-15). This desire is from our own evil heart (Matt. 15:18-19). These desires are not from God or caused by God.
Evil exists. It is real. It originates from Satan who totally opposes God in everything. We sin when we do not listen to God and instead do what Satan wants us to or what our own lusts desire.
Evil is the rejection of God when we allow the desire to please self be supreme in our lives. The root of all sin is selfishness. “I Did It My Way” is the theme song of evil.
Evil does not exist as a separate entity. It only has meaning in its counterfeit of good. If there was no genuine, authentic currency, then there could be no counterfeit money. If there is no good, holy, righteous God, there could be no evil. Evil exists like rust on metal exists. If there is no metal, there is no rust. Rust is the corruption of the metal; evil is the corruption of good.
If humans do not have free will, then everything we are and say and do is predetermined. There would be no choices. We would be automatons. We would be programmed to do what we do. Like mechanical robots, we would not be responsible or accountable for our behaviors. No one could be praised or punished. If we are controlled by determinism, no one is responsible for anything.
The greatest life, joy, hope and future are in serving God. About 1400 B. C., Moses gave his final messages to Israel. His challenges to them are good for us now: “I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days” (Deut. 30:19-20). Moses’ successor, Joshua, faced the false gods of his day. He gave us gave us a good example when he said, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Jos. 24:15). Jesus came to bring us real life (John 10:10). He offers us this gracious invitation: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matt. 11:28-30).