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Seeking the Family of God

  1. Am I In Christ?
    7 Digging Deeper
  2. What is the Kingdom of God?
    3 Digging Deeper
  3. What is the Church?
    5 Digging Deeper
  4. Why Are There So Many Different Christian Religions?
    6 Digging Deeper
  5. How Can I Know the Will of God?
    4 Digging Deeper
  6. How Do I Pray?
    5 Digging Deeper
  7. What is Worship?
    6 Digging Deeper
  8. What is the Significance of the Lord’s Supper?
    5 Digging Deeper
  9. How Do I Become Like Christ?
    6 Digging Deeper
  10. What if there is no New Testament Church Near Me?
    5 Digging Deeper
Lesson 1, Digging Deeper 6
In Progress

At what point does our relationship with Jesus start and we begin to enjoy the blessings in Christ?

The path of having a relationship with Jesus starts initially when we first hear about him and come to understand and accept who he is and what he’s done for us in his death, burial, and resurrection. When we choose to trust and obey that Good News by repenting of our sins and being baptized in his name (Acts 2:38), we enter into a covenant relationship with Jesus.

At that point, we are “in Christ” and enjoy all the promises and blessings that God provides for us in Christ. God is our Father and we are his children because of our faith in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26-29). We are participants in the body of Christ, the church of Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:4). As members of Christ, we enjoy the fellowship of God’s people and lovingly serve one another (1 Corinthians 12:12-13; Galatians 5:13-14).