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Does the Bible Really Come from God?
Seven Superhuman Qualities of the Bible5 Digging Deeper
Nine Discoveries that Confirm the Bible3 Digging Deeper
Five Prophecies that Prove the Bible5 Digging Deeper
Six Amazing Scientific Facts of the Bible3 Digging Deeper
What About Contradictions in the Bible10 Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper
- Alleged Chronological Contradictions
- Contradictions’ Regarding the Ark of the Covenant
- Seeing God ‘Face to Face
- Three Good Reasons to Believe the Bible is from God
- Alleged Discrepancies
- Alleged Contradictions Pertaining to Salvation–Audio
- Biblical Inerrancy
- The Nature of Bible Inspiration
- One Reason to Believe the Bible [Video]
- Bats, Birds, and A Bible Blunder [Video]
Group Progress
Group Progress
Lesson 5,
Digging Deeper 6
In Progress
Alleged Contradictions Pertaining to Salvation–Audio
By Eric Lyons, M.Min.
Is salvation a gift from God or the result of man’s obedience? Why does the Bible give different answers to the question, “What must I do to be saved?” Join Eric as he discusses grace, works, obedience, and the amazing gift of salvation.
To listen to this audio on Apologetics Press’ website: