“The Reaching Series” is a set of three 13-week Bible class curriculum booklets that inspire Christians to reach out to the lost. It can be used as both stand-alone curriculum or in tandem with the Mathetis Original courses. Each quarter includes access to the Mathetis Original videos that work together with the curriculum. You will have the option to download the videos with or without background music so that they are appropriate for the setting in which you choose to use them.
Wondering What to Believe
- Introducing Mathetis: Tools for Sharing Jesus
- Using Mathetis for Social Media Discipling
- Does Nature Give Proof of God?
- Can I Hear God’s Voice?
- Who is God?
- Who Wrote the Bible?
- Can I Trust the Bible?
- Is there a Right and Wrong?
- Why Does God Allow Evil?
- Who Am I?
- What’s the Meaning of My Life?
- Does God Love Me?
- Power for the Mission
In Need of a Savior
- Introducing In Need of a Savior
- Using Mathetis to Reach our “Jerusalem”
- Who is Jesus?
- Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?
- What is the Covenant Jesus offers?
- Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?
- What does Jesus Resurrection Mean to Me?
- Why Should I Be Like Jesus?
- What Change does God Expect of Me?
- How can I Find Life through Death
- What does it Mean to Repent?
- How can I be Born Again?
- Providence for the Mission
Seeking the Family of God
- Introducing “Reaching Those Seeking the Family of God”
- Jesus and His Disciples
- Am I In Christ?
- What Is the Kingdom of God?
- What is the Church?
- Why are There so Many Different Christian Religions?
- How Can I Know the Will of God?
- How Do I Pray?
- What is Worship?
- What is the Significance of the Lord’s Supper
- How Do I Become Like Christ?
- What if there is no New Testament Church Near Me?
- Providence for the Mission
WBS helps everyday Christians to share Jesus and His New Covenant way to worship and serve.
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