What is Church?
What is church according to the New Testament?
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Why do you think people are “not staying” in the church?
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Why should people “stay” in church?
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“What” is God?
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Is the church whole when I am not there? Why or why not?
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Is the church something we “attend” or something we “are”? Why do you believe this?
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How does this lesson change the way you will interact within the church?
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Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 (in Digging Deeper) and discuss with your Mathetis group the idea of “attendance” versus “presence” by replacing the word “church” with “family” and “marriage.” Do I attend my family or am I a part of my family? Do I attend my marriage or am I married?
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Share with your Mathetis group whether you have felt like you were attending church in the past or whether you were being the church. What made the difference for you?
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