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Grace: Simply Incredible, Incredibly Simple
Mercy Me1 Digging Deeper
Loves Me, Loves Me Not1 Digging Deeper
Defined by Kind1 Digging Deeper
Two of the Greatest Men I've Known1 Digging Deeper
Tale of Two Davids1 Digging Deeper
Theophilia and a Thief1 Digging Deeper
O, The B-I-B-L-E1 Digging Deeper
Jesus, Blessed Jesus1 Digging Deeper
Hoping for Heaven1 Digging Deeper
I'm Alright with My Appetite1 Digging Deeper
Barbed, Tarred & Hard1 Digging Deeper
A Godhead of Grace1 Digging Deeper
Group Progress
Group Progress
Lesson 4 of 12
In Progress
Two of the Greatest Men I’ve Known
Question 01
To you, what element of God’s grace stands out the most in the stories of Gayle and Paul? Why did you find this to be so significant?
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Question 02
Considering the life that Gayle and Paul lived before they became Christians, what would you want others to know about God and His grace from their stories?
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Question 03
Why do you think there was such a drastic change in the life of Gayle and Paul after they received God’s grace?
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Question 04
How does hope play a part in God’s grace? How does hope help us in our walk with God?
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