Grace: Simply Incredible, Incredibly Simple
Mercy Me1 Digging Deeper
Loves Me, Loves Me Not1 Digging Deeper
Defined by Kind1 Digging Deeper
Two of the Greatest Men I've Known1 Digging Deeper
Tale of Two Davids1 Digging Deeper
Theophilia and a Thief1 Digging Deeper
O, The B-I-B-L-E1 Digging Deeper
Jesus, Blessed Jesus1 Digging Deeper
Hoping for Heaven1 Digging Deeper
I'm Alright with My Appetite1 Digging Deeper
Barbed, Tarred & Hard1 Digging Deeper
A Godhead of Grace1 Digging Deeper
Group Progress
Group Progress
O, The B-I-B-L-E
Explain how the Old Testament gets us ready for Jesus.
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How does the New Testament convince us that Jesus is the Son of God?
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What has God, through the New Testament writings, convicted you to change?
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The New Testament writings can result in what kind of change or conversion? When this change takes place in our lives, from what are we converted?
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As Christians, the New Testament continues to help us “build” character and grow more into the image of Jesus. What should others be able to see in us if such is taking place?
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Why do you think God calls the Bible the “word of grace”?
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