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Grace: Simply Incredible, Incredibly Simple
Mercy Me1 Digging Deeper
Loves Me, Loves Me Not1 Digging Deeper
Defined by Kind1 Digging Deeper
Two of the Greatest Men I've Known1 Digging Deeper
Tale of Two Davids1 Digging Deeper
Theophilia and a Thief1 Digging Deeper
O, The B-I-B-L-E1 Digging Deeper
Jesus, Blessed Jesus1 Digging Deeper
Hoping for Heaven1 Digging Deeper
I'm Alright with My Appetite1 Digging Deeper
Barbed, Tarred & Hard1 Digging Deeper
A Godhead of Grace1 Digging Deeper
Group Progress
Group Progress
Lesson 1 of 12
In Progress
Mercy Me
Question 01
What does it mean to be compassionate? How does this help us understand mercy?
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Question 02
Why do you think feeling or hurting with someone is necessary to show proper mercy?
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Question 03
God describes Himself as merciful. How does God hurt with us?
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Question 04
It brings God joy when He “feels with us” and shows us mercy. How can this comfort us when we are hurting? How would you suggest we respond to His mercy?
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