God: The Ultimate Reality
Faith and Reason7 Digging Deeper
What Caused the Universe?6 Digging Deeper
Where Did God Come From?1 Digging Deeper
How Did Life Begin?6 Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper
- “Scientists Don’t Have a Clue How Life Began”
- The Law of Biogenesis [Part I]
- A Book Review and Summary of John C. Sanford's Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome
- The Laws of Science—by God
- God and the Laws of Science: Genetics vs. Evolution [Part 1]
- Another Pointless Attempt to Defeat Biogenesis
Looking Closer for Design4 Digging Deeper
Defined Design4 Digging Deeper
Free Will and Atheism2 Digging Deeper
The Moral Argument4 Digging Deeper
One Proof of God: Jesus3 Digging Deeper
If God Exists, Why Do We Suffer?6 Digging Deeper
“I Just Believe in One Less God than You Do”3 Digging Deeper
Why Doesn’t God Show Himself?3 Digging Deeper
What Is the Meaning of Life? Atheism Versus God2 Digging Deeper
Group Progress
Group Progress
Looking Closer for Design
Is it true that if the Universe has design, it then demands an intelligent Designer? Why or why not?
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Paul Davies said that it looks as if a “super-intellect has been monkeying with the physics.” What does Davies mean by this and how would you respond to him?
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What is a Goldilocks zone? What does this have to do with design in the Universe?
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How does Isaiah 45:18 mesh with the Goldilocks principle and the design of the Universe?
Isaiah 45:18
18 For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens (he is God!), who formed the earth and made it (he established it; he did not create it empty, he formed it to be inhabited!): “I am the Lord, and there is no other.
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How does this verse correspond to your life experiences, and how does it apply to a discussion of design?
Hebrews 3:4
4 For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.
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How can prosthetic limbs help us understand the fact that the origin of the Universe demands an intelligent Designer?
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DNA is an example of a complex coded language. What does that say about the origin of DNA?
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The current atheistic theory for the origin of the Universe is that a huge explosion called the Big Bang brought all that we see into existence. What problems does the fact that there is intricate design in the Universe pose for this theory?
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