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Walking to the Promised Land

  1. Wilderness Walking: Trust, Delight, Commit
    2 Digging Deeper
  2. The Blessed Life Ever: Walk in the Ways of the Lord
    2 Digging Deeper
  3. Flawless Footsteps: Walk as Christ Walked
    2 Digging Deeper
  4. The View From Down Here: Walk Humbly
    2 Digging Deeper
  5. Watch Where You Step: Walk Carefully
    2 Digging Deeper
  6. Keep on Keeping on: Walk by Faith
    2 Digging Deeper
  7. Stay out of the Shadows: Walk in the Light
    2 Digging Deeper
  8. Follow Your Guide: Walk by the Spirit
    2 Digging Deeper
  9. Walk Tall: Walk Uprightly
    2 Digging Deeper
  10. Choose Wisely: Walk with Wise Men
    2 Digging Deeper
  11. Love, That's All: Walk in Love
    2 Digging Deeper
  12. When No One's Looking: Walk in Integrity
    2 Digging Deeper
  13. Be Good Do Good: Walk in Good Works
    3 Digging Deeper
  14. Leave Your Past Behind: Walk in Newness of Life
    2 Digging Deeper
  15. Remember Who You Are: Walk Worthy
    2 Digging Deeper
  16. Walk with the Father: Walk with God
    6 Digging Deeper
Lesson 8 of 16
In Progress

Follow Your Guide: Walk by the Spirit

Question 01

What is the difference between walking in the Spirit and walking in the flesh? How does your mind influence living for the flesh or the Spirit?

*Please login to answer this question.

Question 02

How are we born of the Spirit through the Word?

*Please login to answer this question.

Question 03

How does the Spirit feed us through the Word?

*Please login to answer this question.

Question 04

How does the Spirit lead us through the Word?

*Please login to answer this question.

Question 05

What happens when we are born of the Spirit and we allow Him to feed us and lead us continually?

*Please login to answer this question.

Question 06

Do you know someone whose life reflects the fruit of the Spirit? If so, what evidence do you see in how they live?

*Please login to answer this question.