Frequently Asked Questions

What is Mathetis?

Mathetis is a social network designed to connect our world to Christ and His church. It’s intended to be a safe environment for you and your friends to study the Bible alongside fellow students of God’s Word.

Create a free account today by downloading the app or registering online!

About Mathetis

Mathetis is for anyone who wants to learn more about our awesome God and how we can honor and serve Him. You can use Mathetis for your own spiritual growth and walk with God. We also encourage you to use Mathetis as an evangelistic tool. Study alongside new acquaintances or loved ones who are lost or wondering what to believe.

Mathetis comes from the Greek word mathetes which means, “a learner, pupil, or disciple.” Mathetis is designed to both strengthen and make disciples. Use Mathetis not only for your own personal spiritual growth, but also to share the Gospel and make more disciples.

Matthew 5:1-2 says, “and when [Jesus] sat down, his disciples [mathetes] came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them.”

Matthew 28:19 says, “Go therefore and make disciples [mathetes] of all nations.”

Start by downloading Mathetis in the App Store or Google Play or register online on mathetis.orgOnce you’ve registered, select a course, click start a study, create a group, invite your friends. If you have questions feel free to email us at

Absolutely! Mathetis is not only meant to enrich your spiritual growth, but is a platform from which you can share Jesus with the world!

How To Create an Account?

How Do I Create a Group?

How Do I Start a Study?

How do I Add a Friend?

How do I Invite a Friend?

What is a Group Leader?

A Group Leader is the Mathetis user who created the group.


Group Leaders have the ability to 1) select which course the group studies, 2) invite other users to join the group, 3) change the name, profile, and cover image of the group, and 4) moderate group discussion and remove users from the group if necessary.

Yes. A Group Leader can promote other members of the group to be Group Leaders. 

Yes. However, if a Group Leader chooses to leave a group, they must first establish a new Group Leader. Groups cannot exist without a Group Leader.

Yes. If other members of the group want to continue and the Group Leader only wishes to leave the group, the Group Leader can promote another member to Group Leader before leaving the group.

What is a Mentor?

A Mentor is an approved Mathetis user who can join a study upon request by the Group Leader to help answer questions asked by group members. If you and your group members have questions about the courses you are studying, you can request a Mentor to join your study to enrich your study.

If you would like to become a mentor, you can fill out our Mentor Application

The Study Board is a place to send and accept public group invitations. You can choose to post an invite to the Study Board while creating a new group or by clicking the invite button from your group’s profile.

What is the Study Board?

The Study Board is a place to send and accept public invitations to join a group on Mathetis. You can choose to post an invite to the Study Board while creating a new group or by clicking the invite button within your group’s group profile.

We have created a time limit for Study Board invitations to keep invitations fresh and to ensure users who accept an invite on the Study Board join an active group.

If a Group Leader runs out of time and wants more people to join his/her group, they can repost their invitation to the Study Board.

Group Leaders 18-years-old or older are the only ones who can post a group invite to the Study Board.

How do I Find a Group?

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