It Matters Series

"It Matters" is an upbeat quick Bible Class Series targeted towards young people hitting on topics many teens deal with today. Each video averages 15-…

Walking to the Promised Land

Walking to the Promised Land is a study of "walking" verses in the Bible which show how we can be intentional in the way we live. Each day we should s…

Apologetics 101

Many Christians, young adults and parents feel the cultural shift taking place in society. However, they are not sure how to engage the culture becaus…

Twisted Scripture

There are many passages of scripture our society misunderstands. As a result, they miss out on the rich truths God wants to reveal to us. This course …

Does the Bible Really Come from God?

For the Bible to be written by God, it must show traits of divine origin. This course reviews some of those divine traits, while also putting to the t…

Dear Church: How to Study the Bible

Studying the Bible sounds simple. But it is easy to become discouraged. Many people become frustrated while reading or are confused by the way people …

Wondering What to Believe?

Wondering what to believe about God, the Bible and our world today? Most often, our lives leave us with more questions than answers. This course prove…